
Friday, November 18, 2011

梅西比利亚破门哈维助攻 巴萨4-0萨拉戈萨

梅西比利亚破门哈维助攻 巴萨4-0萨拉戈萨 本文导读:面对萨拉戈萨的比赛,坐镇主场的巴萨可谓志在必得,最终,凭借着皮克,梅西,普约尔以及比利亚的4个进球,红蓝军团4-0完胜,继续紧追皇马。 北京时间11月20日凌晨3点,2011-12赛季西甲联赛第13轮全面展开,巴萨坐 ... 梅西比利亚破门哈维助攻 巴萨4-0萨拉戈萨

Här rider Mourinho hem åttonde raka raka segern

Här rider Mourinho hem åttonde raka raka segern Real Madrids bortamatch mot Valencia bjöd på ett närmast osannolikt drama – och ett lika osannolikt målfirande av José Mourinho. Portugisen fick glädjefnatt och red hem 3-2-segern på avbytaren Jose Maria Callejons rygg. Real Madrid leder La Liga med ... Här rider Mourinho hem åttonde raka raka segern

'Twilight' Chaske Spencer: 'Breaking Dawn went out with a whimper'

'Twilight' Chaske Spencer: 'Breaking Dawn went out with a whimper' The actor, who plays wolf pack leader Sam Uley in the vampire franchise, revealed that while he had a great time working on the Twilight films, he found the production process to be incredibly tiring. "It was very tough. We shot until we saw the sun ... 'Twilight' Chaske Spencer: 'Breaking Dawn went out with a whimper'

Nieuwe blunder Cain: Taliban actief in Libië

Nieuwe blunder Cain: Taliban actief in Libië De Republikeinse presidentskandidaat Herman Cain blijft maar de ene blunder na de andere maken. Ging het afgelopen week al mis met een interview over de steun van Obama aan de opstand tegen Kaddafi, gisteren deed hij er nog een schepje bovenop. ... Nieuwe blunder Cain: Taliban actief in Libië

BJP asks PM, Sonia to clarify stand on cash-for-vote scam

BJP asks PM, Sonia to clarify stand on cash-for-vote scam PTI | 08:11 PM,Nov 19,2011 New Delhi, Nov 19 (PTI) The BJP today felicitated its "whistleblowers" in the cash-for-vote scam to highlight the corruption issue and demanded that Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and UPA Chairperson Sonia Gandhi clarify their ... BJP asks PM, Sonia to clarify stand on cash-for-vote scam


11月15日,万科在南京的楼盘万科金色领域喊出"9900元筑底价",首批推出的200套房源当天便一抢而光。此例被认为是楼市降价潮的重要事件。 然而,对房价,有人盼跌,有人怕跌。"怕"与"不怕"是相对的。谁怕?一者,手中有多套 ... "不怕房价深跌"的两大理由

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